
Selection of the Year Namasté

Fascinating premium coffee from India

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This year our selection comes from India. Much like the country from which it hails, our selection bursts with exhilarating contrasts – premium highland arabica beans unite with selected robusta beans to create a full-bodied coffee with nutty notes, rounded off by hints of nutmeg and the subtle sweetness of caramel.

Namasté India!

India, the land of a thousand colors, is a place of fascinating contrasts: from ancient traditions to modern lifestyle, bustling bazaars to megacities, magnificent temples to magical landscapes. Our coffee experts have toasted the beans to perfection, enticing the stunning diversity of this unique subcontinent into the cup with Dallmayr’s gentle roasting process. The blend of premium highland arabica beans with selected robusta beans yields a flavor profile of astonishing contrasts. Grown in southern India, the beans boast a full-bodied aroma with nutty notes and a hint of nutmeg and subtle caramel sweetness. The package pops in a glowing shade of purple and is adorned with Indian mandala motifs. The detailed storytelling on the back of the pack communicates the origin of the coffee.

The coffee is ideal for preparation in an automatic coffee machine or in a portafilter machine. For those who do not have a coffee machine at home, we recommend preparation in the French Press.


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Did you already know?

In the Hindi-speaking regions of India, people often greet one another by saying “Namaste” and pressing their hands together close to their hearts. Outside of India, this salutation is often familiar from yoga practice. It is a gesture of deep respect and means: “I bow before you.” Adorning the pack alongside a lotus blossom – a symbol of purity – the Namasté word mark captures the pure enjoyment of this year’s special edition coffee.