
Make moments special with prodomo.

We are Dallmayr.

For special moments of indulgence that make every day unique.

Dallmayr prodomo Verpackung
The original, newly packaged
Filterkaffee Zubereitung mit Handaufguss in Porzellanfilter Frau genießt lachend Dallmayr Kaffee

The perfect taste

Frisch geröstete Kaffeebohnen

Pure arabica quality for generations

There is hardly any other name that has defined the taste of coffee for generations as much as Dallmayr prodomo. Many people still swear by “their prodomo” today.

Tourists do not leave the Dallmayr delicatessen in Munich without a pack of it in their luggage as a souvenir. Here, the coffee is scooped by hand out of precious Nymphenburg porcelain vases and weighed out on antique balance scales.

The decaffeinated and the naturally mild varieties complete the Dallmayr prodomo product family.

Premium blend

In Dallmayr prodomo, selected highland coffees from Asia, Africa, and South and Central America come together to form a finely balanced premium blend. The typical taste primarily comes from the arabica coffees from the fertile southern provinces of Ethiopia – the birthplace of coffee. In the highlands here, people harvest the coffee cherries which primarily grow in small plantations. After the harvest, they are “washed” in a special procedure, which also refines the green coffee.

Notenschlüssel The sound
of prodomo

Popular since 1964

The skill is, in spite of different crop yields, to always achieve the same taste profile which the Dallmayr prodomo fans love so much.

We remain faithful to our high standards:

100% arabica quality

Dallmayr Mitarbeiter poliert Bronzetafel an der Delikatessenhaus Fassade Schwarzer Filterkaffee in Dallmayr Tasse mit "I love prodomo" Schriftzug Schwarzer Filterkaffee in Dallmayr Tasse mit "I love prodomo" Schriftzug

Our tips for preparation

Dallmayr prodomo is perfect for the traditional preparation of filter coffee – whether it is prepared in a filter machine or with a manual filter – but also, as a whole bean, for fully automatic coffee machines or a French press (coarse grind).

  • Manual filters and filter machines Manual filters and filter machines
  • Fully automatic machines Manual filters and filter machines
  • French press Manual filters and filter machines

Dallmayr prodomo as whole beans is perfect for the preparation of a “traditional long coffee” in a fully automatic machine, without a crema.

The grinding level determines the duration of the extraction – the time it takes for the water to pass through the coffee. If the coffee is ground too finely, the water is in contact with the ground coffee for too long and the result may taste slightly harsh and bitter. If the grind is too coarse, on the other hand, the water passes through the ground coffee too quickly and the coffee will be too thin.

If the finished coffee is discharged too slowly, simply set a coarser grinding level. If it is discharged too quickly, select a finer grinding level.

The fresher, the better

Roasted coffee is a sensitive natural product. Once the pack has been opened, both whole beans and ground coffee will lose their aroma day by day. Coffee also quickly absorbs other aromas.

Therefore, store open coffee as follows:

  • Never together with other strong-smelling food
  • Protected from sunlight and moisture
  • Ideally in the original packaging (do not decant)
  • In a fridge or even better a freezer
Fully automatic machines
Dallmayr Cappuccino mit Latte Art Herz

Fascinated by coffee? Want to try out some latte art?

At the Dallmayr Academy, you can learn all there is to know about the coffee bean – and how to make the best out of it. Click here to see our training programme and to register for a course:

Expert interview: Filter coffee

Filter coffee is a cult product. With names such as “pour-over coffee” or “brewed coffee”, good old filter coffee has once again become a hit in city bars. The methods of preparation have never been more diverse: from the classic pour-over coffee dripper and Chemex brewer, right up to the coffee syphon.

Julia Dengler – a family member in the Dallmayr executive management team and a lover of filter coffee – drinks a cup of freshly brewed coffee each morning.
Julia Dengler – a family member in the Dallmayr executive management team and a lover of filter coffee – drinks a cup of freshly brewed coffee each morning.

Ms Dengler, what do you love about filter coffee?

For me, filter coffee is pure indulgence without any frills. I prefer it without milk and prepared with a pour-over coffee dripper or in a French Press. Filter coffee is amazingly diverse – in its methods of preparation as well as in its flavour. I have control over all the important factors during preparation – such as grinding level, the amount of coffee and water, the temperature and the pouring intervals during the brewing process. That allows me to really bring out the coffee’s various flavours and aromas.

How should a good filter coffee taste?

That is, of course, a matter of preference. For me, a good filter coffee is full-bodied with a pleasant, subtle acidity and a hint of herbs that’s somewhat reminiscent of black tea. My favourite right now is our Dallmayr Gran Verde Filter Coffee. Made using sustainable arabica beans from Peru, the coffee is mild in flavour with a wonderfully delicate nutty aroma and is very palatable. I also take pleasure in a cup of our classic Dallmayr prodomo. After all, there’s a good reason why it has been a favourite among coffee fans for generations.

Is this really a new trend?

Filter coffee was never really “out”. In most German kitchens, filter coffee continues to be the most predominantly brewed coffee. However, people are focussing once again on the fundamentals. There’s more and more interest in where the coffee beans come from, as well as how they are processed and roasted.

How do you make the perfect cup of filter coffee?

The classic pour-over coffee dripper is a genuine all-rounder and ideal for use in any kitchen. Depending on the cup size, I recommend using 7 to 12 grams of fresh, medium-fine ground coffee. Generally, the fresher the beans, the better the flavour. Place the filter paper in the filter cone and rinse it with plenty of hot water. This removes any paper flavours and opens up the filter paper’s pores. Next, fill the filter with your ground coffee and pour over hot but not boiling water. Ideally, the temperature should be just above 90°C; any hotter, and the coffee will end up tasting too bitter.

prodomo in a different form

Banana Cream Iced Coffee


One ripe banana
Ice cubes
120 ml milk
100 ml Dallmayr prodomo filter coffee


Prepare a cup of Dallmayr prodomo filter coffee. Transfer the coffee to a tall glass, add a handful of ice cubes and allow to cool.

Put the milk, banana and remaining ice cubes into a blender and purée the mixture.

Pour the resulting banan cream over the filter coffee, stir and enjoy!

What better way to enjoy a warm summer’s day than with a refreshing iced coffee? With our recipe for Banana Cream Iced Coffee, you'll see your favourite beverage in a whole new light.

Are coffee and bananas a good match?

In our opinion, coffee and bananas are a perfect combination! The blend of tart coffee aromas and sweet fruity notes creates a surprisingly delightful taste experience - an exciting interplay of aromas where no nuance of flavour overpowers the other. Banana Cream Iced Coffee is a refreshing alternative to cappuccino or latte - particularly on hot summer days.

For more recipes go to our Dallmayr Academy Blog!

More recipes

The prodomo fan quiz

How much do you know about prodomo? Find out ...

What coffee beans define the typical taste of Dallmayr prodomo?

Complete the following claim: "Dallmayr prodomo, perfectly ... premium coffee”

When was the Dallmayr prodomo brand established?


“Unfortunately, that was zilch!”
No answers correct.

“Practice makes perfect.”
One answer correct.

“Not bad, but could be better!”
Two answers correct.

“Wow, you are a real prodomo expert.”
All the answers correct.

Nahaufnahme Dallmayr Delikatessenhaus in München Dallmayr Mitarbeiterin schöpft Kaffeebohnen aus Kaffeevase Dallmayr prodomo Verpackung